Daniel Strasel
LiteratureArtOther WorksAbout the Author

Thank you

Author, Artist, Painter, Philosopher, Photographer, Publisher, Developer, Composer, Server, and Friend.

Born September 15, 1973 in Toledo, Ohio.

Built and maintains this very website.  I might redo it in 2023.

He also maintains a sense of humor, just ask
Paula Acker or Sue Strasel


I published a board game - Apostle - December 2022

Currently working:

I'm building a loft bed for my daughter.

  Choose any of the following links to follow Daniel's web presence.

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Greetings and Good Morning! I might take a moment to wax philosophical: In my life, I've personally met Buddhists who...

Posted by Daniel Strasel on Thursday, September 17, 2020

Posted by Daniel Strasel on Wednesday, September 2, 2020